“Too often, people don’t follow through on their ideas, and this is why the idea fails. Apprehensiveness kills the idea.”
At the core of Peter’s success lie his exceptional consumer product and market knowledge, discipline, passion, commitment and integrity. Peter will only consider partnering himself to innovative ideas he truly believes have a value proposition for the market audience.
Our well developed portfolio will help you chose the right consultants for your business.
Download our extended portfolio in PDF format for easy reading.
Sport Aviation
Peter’s entrepreneurial spirit was sparked while serving in the Canadian Military. He recognized an opportunity in the recreational aviation category with the Ultra Light Aircraft. Peter was integral to the design, development, manufacturing and creation of a dealership network in the North American and Caribbean marketplaces.
Fun Flights International
Recognizing an opportunity to provide recreational flight adventure at popular tourist destinations Fun Flights International set up a program to create flight centers in resort areas of the world.

International Business Development Corporation
International Business Development Corporation is a Canadian corporation with its corporate head offices located in Hamilton, Ontario. Our mandate is to provide international services to both small and large corporations as well as entrepreneurs with new start-up companies.
Novatron Technologies Corporation
Novatron Technologies Corporation introduced, manufactured and distributed the world’s first Electronic call display and call blocker devices. Today the technology is more commonly known as Caller ID, Call Screening and Call Blocking.
Barrier Hand Cream
We provided manufacturing and distribution for a “Liquid Glove” that is used to protect skin from harmful chemicals in a variety of manufacturing and industrial sectors. The Barrier cream can protect skin from chemicals like acids, oils and other harsh chemicals and is commonly found in most stores today.
Accoustical Cleaning Solution
Since 1960 over 20 billion sq ft of acoustic ceiling tiles had been installed worldwide. Peter had a vision to create a tile cleaning solution, which would provide a cost effective alternative to replacing tiles when in need of cleaning. Peter and his team engineered the Acoustical Ceiling Cleaning Solution. The product was successfully marketed worldwide through a dealership and franchise network.
Fire Safe: Fire Retardant Solution
In 1989 Peter recognized an opportunity with a fire prevention product, the solution when applied to any porous surface would prevent fire from starting. Aligning with the products inventors, Peter developed a marketable business model, selling dealerships and franchises. Fire Safe, fire retardant solution set the foundation leading to new industry standards. Today these standards are currently reflected in building and manufacturing codes across various industries worldwide.
Counterfeit Money Detector
Developing the sales, marketing activities and manufacturing alliances required to launch the Counterfeit Money Detector in 1992. The product was embraced by law enforcement, private and commercial banking internationally. Offering a solution to the worldwide increase in counterfeit currency activity, the Counterfeit Money Detector quickly penetrated the marketplace internationally. The Money Detector was recognized with multiple international awards.
Trikes: Three Wheeled Vehicle
While traveling in Europe Peter saw the popularity of the Trike, a three wheeled vehicle. Seizing the opportunity Peter successfully imported and assembled Trikes in Canada. Strategically leveraging a dealership partner model throughout North America and the Caribbean.